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AWA Organization for Sustainable Development

Due to fulfillment of the conditions stipulated in the Iraqi Law for Non-Government Organizations number (1) for the year 2010, and its instructions. The Iraqi General Secretariat for the Council of Ministries- Directorate of NGOs, has issued Certificate No. (1S2103008) dated 30 March, 2021 for AWA as a (local) organization, where it gained the moral character to participate in its business in accordance with provisions of the constitution and Iraqi laws in force.

AWA Organization for Sustainable Development is established to support innovative actions, research, and policy development related to socio-economic development and sustainability. We aim to anchor development and sustainability ideas into the society. We will practically tend with the aid of international community to help achieve a better and more sustainable future for people, and to address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and economic development.

For more information about AWA, please email us 


AWA organization is established in order to study and evaluate policies and practices aimed to enable individuals and communities to achieve life goals, and to contribute to the equal opportunities in the society. AWA will collaborate with the government, academia, private sector, international and local organizations, and development institutions to implement sustainable solution in the form of knowledge, technology, innovation, and education to secure economics opportunity and an improved quality of life equally for all while sustaining natural resources and the environment.



Striving for Vibrant, Inclusive, Sustainable Economy, and Climate Resilience Society to Enable People Live Free from Poverty and Hunger.


We aim to anchor development and sustainability ideas into the society. 

AWA’s work feeds into the achievement of the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 goals defined by the UN aim to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate change by 2030. AWA considers development as a holistic process and our work links to all 17 goals. However, our core focus and area of expertise is: (1) No Poverty, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, and (13) Climate Action.



(1) To contribute to the current social and services development in Iraq and other developing countries. 

(2) To contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture and achievement of food security.

(3) To contribute to reconstruction of Iraq and other developing countries by coordinating with relevant international, national and government’s entities.

(4) To contribute to development of Iraqi living conditions, public services to all ethnic groups in Iraq and other developing countries. 

(5) To Contribute to restoring and achieving peaceful coexistence between minorities. 

(6) To Help unemployed and disable people to establish their own business.

(7) To empower women to play their role in social and economic life, activating their role in public life and practicing their civil rights.

(8) Contribute to raise the capabilities of services, social, educational, and health institutions In Iraq and other developing countries

Tools for achieving the goals

Cooperation with all governmental and non-governmental institutions and international governmental and non-governmental organizations through the following activities: 

(1) Study and establish projects that serve the nature of the organization’s work to achieve its goals. 

(2) Convene specialized conferences and workshops to raise the level of employees and workers in various services, educational and health institutions. 

(3) Conduct training, and offer professional courses for public employees as a part of capacity development. 

(4) Plan, manage and implement awareness campaigns. 

(5) Conduct training about cultural norms and ways of peaceful coexistence between minorities and ethnic groups. 

(6) Hold awareness sessions and conferences on women's rights and reducing local violence. 

(7) Plan, study, manage and implement agricultural and food development projects.

Meet our Team

Dr. Nabaz T. Khayyat

Executive Director

Sergio David Aldana

Project Manager

Tawar M. Qadri

Business Development Consultant

Shamal S. Kareem

Technical Manager

Mohammed N. Khayyat

Admin Manager

Kayla Choi

Project Manager

Board Members

Dr. Hamed Alavi

[email protected]

Prof. Almas Heshmati

[email protected]

Dr. Lars Hartvigson

[email protected]

Awat Najmaddin

[email protected]
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